

Needle-Free Mesotherapy

We all can tell beautiful skin from troubled skin a mile away. Some characteristics just cannot pass unnoticeable when a gorgeous woman walks by with healthy beautiful skin: it’s elastic, well hydrated with clear pores and no excess oils.

But with age our skin requires more attention and care. There are many factors that cause our skin to age. Some things we cannot do anything about, others we can influence. Our genes largely control when these changes occur and the medical term for this type of aging is “intrinsic aging.” We cannot stop our skin from getting older; however, we can make the process slower, healthier and more pleasant.

Skin care is absolutely vital to our health and sometimes can be a rather daunting task. We have all heard of Botox but been reluctant to do it. Needles can be a very unpleasant experience and Hollywood is filled with enough failed cosmetic surgery horror stories to discourage us from joining the Botox Hall-of-Shame.

“Needles can be a very unpleasant experience and Hollywood is filled with enough failed cosmetic surgery horror stories to discourage us from joining the Botox Hall-of-Shame.”

“Needles can be a very unpleasant experience and Hollywood is filled with enough failed cosmetic surgery horror stories to discourage us from joining the Botox Hall-of-Shame.”

However, what if we told you there is an ALL-NATURAL NEEDLE-FREE alternative to help you bring your skin to looking its best at any age? What if there was a solution that was RISK-FREE and PAINLESS that could change your outlook on skin care forever?

Well, there is. And it’s finally here.

Discover how flawless your skin can be.

Discover how flawless your skin can be.

Introducing: The Virtual & Needle-Free Mesotherapy

Developed in France in the 1950’s, it has been practiced by approximately 18,000 physicians worldwide throughout Europe, South America and most recently the United States. It began its way through clinical practices employing injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications made from plant extracts, vitamins and other ingredients. Today, technology has advanced far enough in Natural Beauty Science to offer us the needle-free infusion alternative called VIRTUAL NEEDLE-LESS MESOTHERAPY.

To fully understand the benefit of this amazing new treatment, we need to understand how to our skin functions first.

To begin, not all body organs are internal like the heart or the liver. Our largest organ is actually worn on the outside: our skin. An adult can carry up to three kilograms and two square meters of it. Needless to say, it does a lot more than contribute to our looks. It’s our main protection, our shield against drastic temperatures, harsh sunburns and toxic chemicals that are present in our everyday lives. It’s our large sensor connecting our brain to the outside world, permitting the sensation of touch and feel. This complex combination of layers of molecules produces substances that act as antibacterial repellents against infections and produce our vitamin D, which helps convert calcium into strong bones.

Although skin has many layers, it can generally be divided into three main parts: the Epidermis, the Dermis and the Hypodermis.

A large part of our skin is composed of proteins. Within these proteins, we find one that contributes to keeping the entire system together and giving the skin its strength and structure. It also plays a role in the replacement of dead skin cells: it’s our collagen.

Collagen is a protein consisting of fibers in the Dermis that provides structure to the skin.

The Epidermis - the outer part: contains skin cells, pigment and proteins.The Dermis - the middle part: contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and oil glands. The dermis provides nutrients to the epidermis.The Hypodermis - the inner layer u…

The Epidermis - the outer part: contains skin cells, pigment and proteins.

The Dermis - the middle part: contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and oil glands. The dermis provides nutrients to the epidermis.

The Hypodermis - the inner layer under the dermis: contains sweat glands, some hair follicles, blood vessels and fat.

It contributes to retaining our skin’s elasticity and all the moisture-binding ingredients that keep our skin plump, moisturized and young-looking. More collagen enables our skin to maintain its shape and hydration. Collagen is naturally produced in your skin as a structural support. But with age the production naturally declines and the skin gets thinner. Sooner or later, wrinkles, folds, creases and lines of all shapes and sizes begin to form as the skin becomes weaker. It sometimes can even lead to sagging. In other words, as we age, out skin’s ability to protect itself from damage slowly reduces. That is an inevitable part of nature’s aging process. As we get older, our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic.

Our first wrinkles begin to appear as a result of our facial expressions. Smiling may cause wrinkles, but it’s a sign of happiness so smile away! However, when you’re surprised or frustrated, try not to bring your forehead skin up to avoid the premature appearance of forehead or frown wrinkles, as they are the biggest and easiest to avoid. Some specialists explain that wrinkles continue to occur due to decreasing hormone levels as women age. Others believe they’re caused directly through poor lifestyle habits such as malnutrition, lack of physical activity, dehydration, etc.

At Nat Beauty Spa, we believe that our lifestyle is reflected upon our skin. We can influence the aging of our skin by altering the environment around us and making healthy lifestyle choices. This type of aging is medically referred to as “extrinsic aging”. Poor dieting for example can result in loss of fat below the skin in the cheeks, chin, nose, and eye area. Skin will seem to hang loose on the body and the eyes become sunken, giving a “skeletal” appearance. Smoking, sun damage, medications and dehydration as well as a number of other factors may also cause wrinkles to develop.

“Millions of dollars are spent every day on treatments and skin-care products in order to reduce the obvious appearance of skin aging process.”

“Millions of dollars are spent every day on treatments and skin-care products in order to reduce the obvious appearance of skin aging process.”

One famous factor that contributes to extrinsic aging of our skin is a poor choice of skin care products. Choosing your skin care products can be an almost discouraging task. With all the choices filling pharmacy aisles and beauty parlors, hundreds of products are labeled as “Mega-Hydrating,” “Maximum Strength,” “Intensive Care” and more. Millions of dollars are spent every day on treatments and skin-care products in order to reduce the obvious appearance of skin aging process. Trouble is that in reality, all of these products do not make it past the first layer of your skin, the epidermis. Some creams and products claim great results but have either very little significant success or in some cases, they have no effect at all.

In order to maximize the slowing of the aging process, we have to tackle the problem from the inside of our body, not only from the surface. This is where the combination of VIRTUAL NEEDLE-FREE MESOTHERAPY and a careful choice of beauty products form the best anti-aging duo available on the market today.

What is Virtual Needle-Free Mesotherapy?

Virtual Needle-Free Mesotherapy is a new skin treatment designed to stimulate the middle layer of the skin. As we previously discussed above, the main problem with current skin care products and rejuvenation treatments is that none of them penetrate far enough beneath the epidermis to have effective results. VIRTUAL MESOTHERAPY uses electroporation to deliver natural healing products directly to the dermis (the skin layer beneath the epidermis). Electroporation is a technique that uses short pulses of a low electrical current to temporarily increase permeability of the cell membrane. This process dramatically increases your skins absorbency. The cell membrane is what separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment. In other words, VIRTUAL MESOTHERAPY opens a door that allows to insert vitamins and nutrients deeper into the skin. It temporarily opens your pores on a molecular level, allowing a NEEDLE-FREE entry of the healing product. When the electric pulse stops, the membrane returns to its original structure, leaving the healing solution that was introduced into the interior of the cell deep within the dermis.

The Results?

There will be an increase in collagen and elastin production. The creases and folds in the epidermis will be pushed outwards from the inside of the skin thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It will stimulate blood circulation. Fat cells will break apart because the increased circulation will drain liquids from in between thus reducing hanging skin excess and enabling muscle toning. You will feel how far the infused remedy will reach beneath your skin as you will instantly respond to this treatment. It may feel a little “tight” and subtly “lifted” but that is simply the solution beginning its effective course.

“The creases and folds in the epidermis will be pushed outwards from the inside of the skin thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles.”

“The creases and folds in the epidermis will be pushed outwards from the inside of the skin thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles.”


How does the apparatus work?

Needle-Free Mesotherapy Apparatus and its serums for the “Cocktail Mixes”.

Needle-Free Mesotherapy Apparatus and its serums for the “Cocktail Mixes”.

The machine is a portable-size unit which looks very much like a console for beauty treatments.

All source of power comes from one mainframe. There are five probes connected to the power block by a wire and every one of them has a specific function in the treatment.

  1. The Electroporation Probe: It is a gun-shaped accessory that emits low electric pulses to open a pathway to any desired product directly to the dermis. Remember we spoke of Electroporation earlier? Well this is the magic piece that make this happen. Thighs and buttocks, knees and elbows, arms or legs… it will deliver any product into any body part.

  2. The Electro Osmosis Eye Treatment: This has a similar function to an under-eye roller. It helps distribute the infused product evenly throughout the skin. It is pen shaped and designed to treat the small and delicate areas of the face.

  3. The Electro Osmosis Face Treatment: It is the same as #2 but covers larger surfaces and evenly distributes a higher amount of product. The tool is smooth enough for your neck, but powerful enough for your knees, elbows, arms and legs.

  4. The Ice Cool Therapy Probe: Designed to keep the product from spreading past the desired area. Once distributed by Osmosis, the infused solution is then cooled down to keep it put in one spot. Also, every skin reacts differently to its first virtual needle-free meso-infusion. After all it is a heavy but effective delivery of nutrients. Your skin may feel a slight shock, which can result in a little redness or minor soft swelling. This Cold Therapy helps your skin relax and ease any negative reaction

  5. The Light Therapy Probe: This one is a little gem of its own – the red LED. This light emits the exact wavelength of light that plants use in photosynthesis; therefore, in the human body, photosynthesis would be referred to as a stimulus to promote collagen production. This last but particular part completes the Mesothrapy treatment, but can be administered on its own after a facial treatment or a massage. You can purchase an additional 15 minutes of LED Light Therapy with a treatment other than Mesotherapy. Did you know that NASA began using LED lights for astronauts in space and in modern medicine?

Depending on the condition of the skin and the treatment required for it, the amount of sessions will vary from person to person, but the results will always last up to two years. It is a safe and effective alternative to traditional needle beauty treatments and provides a non-invasive experience to help you bring out your natural beauty.

Love your skin and look your best at any age!

Book your appointment today —>